Cover the Bases!

Now that the school year is in full gear, many of our athletes start to engage in a strength program at their respective schools, whether with their team or in a weight training class setting.


We love that more athletes get regular weight room exposure but one thing we’ve learned over the years is that many of these sessions are still very general in nature. In a class setting, many days there’s usually valuable instruction but some sessions can also be fairly loose.  There may be days focused on learning foundational movements and other days where the instructor may allow you to lift what you want and how you want. 


In a team training setting, these workouts can be more specific for the group but not necessarily the individual athlete.  There’s no knock on the coaches running these sessions as it’s challenging when you have a room of 30-40 athletes ready to workout.  We’ve certainly been there.


We want to encourage our Healthy Baller clients to communicate how they are doing and as well as what they are doing overall regarding their overall workload.  This allows us to make sure each athlete is getting what they need week in and week out leading up to their competitive season.  What are you measuring?  Do you know if you’re progressing and getting better than you were this past summer??


Athletes should be aware of common injuries for each sport and have confidence that they are training to keep themselves healthy.  Here are a few examples (this list is certainly not exhaustive).


Lacrosse: low back/knees

Basketball: Ankles

Soccer: Knees/Groin


Are you able to address these vulnerable areas within your weekly training program?  Hopefully so.  If you’re not sure, let us know so that we can help you cover the bases and prepare for your best season yet!

Interested in taking your training to the next level?

Matt Boyd