Working out in the heat? Protect yourself!

Many athletes out there are working hard and pushing themselves to be in the best condition for their upcoming season.  While it’d be nice to workout in a cool air conditioned room or facility all year long, it’s not realistic and it also won’t fully prepare you to play sport outside in a warm/hot environment.

Here are a few bullet points to consider and protect yourself while working out in the heat.


Are you properly hydrated???

Check the urine color chart – this is an easy and helpful reference to see where you are at the moment.


Here are more specific hydration guidelines to focus on leading up to and during your workout

Pre-Training - 16-24 ounces 2 hours before training. Within 10-20 min another 7-10 ounces

During Training - 6-12 ounces every 10-20 mins

Post Training - 16-24 ounces for every lb lost


 Keep your electrolytes up

Sports drinks like Gatorade are traditionally used and helpful for long duration workouts to help maintain an electrolyte balance.  No sports drink available? Here’s a quick easy to make drink to maintain your electrolyte levels. 

16-24 ounces of water.  Add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Add electrolyte-rich foods into your routine

Here are some examples (note: this list is not exhaustive)



 Wear lighter clothing/light-colored clothing

Darker clothing will tend to absorb heat more than lighter-colored clothing.  Be mindful as to what you are wearing when heading out for that long run.


Build yourself up to acclimate to the heat

While it would be ideal to workout early morning or later in the day to avoid the height of the heat within the day, the schedule doesn’t always work out so perfect.

Don’t go out and kill yourself if you have done little to no training outside.  Take several breaks if needed and take your time building up your intensity. Always better to play it safe.


Most importantly don’t exercise or continue to exercise if you feel ill.

Heat illness is nothing to play with so come prepared and be mindful of the steps listed above to protect yourself!

Interested in taking your training to the next level?

Matt Boyd