Healthy Baller Weekly Warriors

It’s well known that the bulk of our business is training youth athletes, but many don’t know that we also train adults.  So many of you Moms and Dads out there were athletes at one time in your life.  We believe that once an athlete, always an athlete!


Do you consider yourself a weekend warrior but are you having trouble maintaining a routine or even unsure of what to do to “get in any kind of shape”?   It’s common to be sprinting through the week of work, family, and youth sport commitments only to find yourself with a few minutes on the weekend to kick your own butt.  You sweat, grind, and really beat yourself up in hopes of burning enough calories only to find yourself so sore that you don’t want to do anything for the next several days.


Let’s replace the weekend warrior mindset with becoming a Healthy Baller “weekly warrior”.  Becoming a healthier, stronger, and fitter version of yourself is a daily commitment.  No, we are not suggesting that you find time to work out hard 6 days per week.  It’s having more of a balanced approach of learning to improve your nutritional habits, sleep patterns and participate in a routine that works for you, your body and most importantly your goals.


We offer everything from 1on1 to small or large group sessions to even online app workout programs.  Shoot us an email if you need help getting started.


In the meantime, get started on our Healthy Baller Daily 5 Mobility exercises.  We all sit entirely too much whether we’re driving all around town or just sitting behind the computer for hours.  Give these exercises a try to loosen up and move a little better but also take a step towards being a Healthy Baller weekly warrior!

Healthy Baller Daily 5 Mobility Exercises

Half Kneeling Couch Stretch x 30-60 seconds

Hamstring Wall Holds x 30-60 seconds

Half Kneeling Groin Rockers x 10 reps

Side lying T-spine openers x 10 reps

3 Way Ankle Mobility x 10 reps each direction


Interested in taking your training to the next level?

Matt Boyd